Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Teeth Whitening in Calgary

At Kids R Us Dentistry in Southwest Calgary, we offer teeth whitening for teens with yellowed or darkened permanent teeth. 

Teeth Whitening | Kids R Us

Why might my child need teeth whitening?

It is not uncommon for our teenage patients to ask about teeth whitening options. Over time, teeth can yellow, as the result of stain-causing foods and beverages and event genetics.

If your teen is interested in a brighter smile, we may recommend a non-invasive teeth whitening option to help lift teeth stains revealing a whiter smile. 

We will discuss teeth whitening options with you, as their parent or guardian before recommending any procedures.

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Welcoming Calgary's Young Smiles. 

We are your children's pediatric dental specialists in Southwest Calgary. 

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